Elect - 2056E Peelable Ink

2018-01-07 handler 2260

Elect - 2056E Peelable Ink

Elect - 2056E Peelable Ink

Elect- 2056E(Black) is a blue color il-based black silk screen protect ink for printing on the glass, film, and other substrates to aviod surface dirty or scratchin during process. When the process is completed, the dryed inks deposits can be manually peeled up for the substrates.  

Silk-print suggestion:

Ink viscosity:     450 + 100 dpa) s (VT- 04 @ 25 ° C + 1 ° C)

Printing mesh:   54-100t /CM oil resistant mesh.

Printing thickness: 25-50um (after drying).

Squeegee: polyurethane,65-75 Shores.

Thinner: this ink can be used directly after stirring, without diluent. Improper addition of diluent will result in the final peeling effect.

Recommended drying conditions for: 20-30 min @ 150-160 ℃;

Peeling off: use tape to remove manually.

Mesh Wash: use universal mesh wash.

Storage: stored in 5-25 ℃, dry environment. Please don't less than 5 ℃. Under normal storage conditions,the shelflife is  3 months.

Package: 1KG/CAN 


Well - 2056 e rubber stripping is a silk screen protection rubber, through the method of silk screen printing, printing on the glass, film, and other areas in need of protection of heat-resistant, through thermal drying after the film with a certain strength and toughness, protected area after order to avoid scratches in machining process, polluted, etc. When the process is completed, the film can be manually read. It can be used for local protection of glass, film board and other production processes, and has excellent heat resistance.

Silk-print suggestion:

Ink viscosity: 450 + 100 dpa) s (DSTM - 203 - n - 04 @ 25 ° C + 1 ° C)

Printing mesh: 54-100t /CM oil resistant mesh.

Printing thickness: 250-50mm (after drying).

Squeegee: polyurethane squeegee,65-75.

Dilute release: this ink can be used directly after stirring, without diluent. Improper addition of diluent will result in the final peeling effect.

Typical curing conditions: the correct curing is the foundation of film forming and peeling. The curing is not enough, which can cause the membrane to be fragile, porous, and affect the stripping performance. Overcuring can cause the film to harden and lead to dissection difficulties.

Recommended drying conditions for: 20-30 min @ 150-160 ℃; The user can adjust according to the temperature of the base material.

Peel off: use tape to remove manually.

If the dissection is difficult, try to solve it by:

1. Reduce mesh to increase printing thickness.

2. The appropriate thermal conditions can help to remove the membrane, so in order to increase the efficiency of the peeling and make the stripping easier, the UV machine or IR furnace can be used before peeling.

3. Properly increase the curing temperature and stir well before printing to avoid the production of residue after stripping.

Washing network: can use the general washing network washing network.

Storage: stored in 5-25 ℃, dry environment. Please don't less than 5 ℃ storage. Under normal storage conditions, retention period is 3 months.

Package: 1KG/CAN and 4KG/CAN.

Important: we will try our best to ensure the consistency of our products. However, due to the characteristics of macromolecular chemicals and the diversity of the application conditions of customers, we cannot guarantee that the normal differential performance of the product and the products fully meets the requirements of all users. Users should thoroughly test and strengthen the first batch and online process quality monitoring before using our products. We are not responsible for any other related losses arising from the use of our products. The company reserves the right to modify the technical data.